SEAFDEC-Sweden Collaboration Program


The Population Study of Thunnus tonggol (Bleeker, 1851) in the Southeast Asian Region

SEAFDEC, with the support from the SEAFDEC-Sweden Collaborative Program, have agreed the engagement of SEAFDEC/MFRDMD to undertake on “The Population Study of Thunnus tonggol (Bleeker, 1851) in the Southeast Asian Region”. This study will collect DNA specimens at selected landing sites from eight member countries through out Southeast Asian Region namely Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. During DNA samples collection of Thunnus tonggol, specimen Euthynnus affinis also will be collected for next tuna species population genetic to be study. The level of genetic diversity and population structure of this species will be identify by using mitochondrial DNA displacement loop (D-loop) marker. The duration of this study is from 1st October 2016 until 30th September 2018. The information on population structure of this species is very essential to this species resources management. This also will help determine to what extent, if any, the population of Longtail tuna from this area is connected to population elsewhere in the world.

Wahidah Mohd Arshaad